Hi, I’m Grace!

…and I am a licensed REALTOR® with Our Town Realty, Inc! We specialize in buying and selling real estate as well as managing properties, and we are proud of our twenty-five year legacy of satisfied clients.

Athens, GA

Athens, GA is a creative, vibrant, and ever-growing town full of wonderful people and culture. Because it is also home to the University of Georgia, Athens is a perfect place to look for investment opportunities!

Are you looking to buy or sell in (or near) Athens, Georgia?

I am a licensed REALTOR® & member of the Athens Area Association of Realtors!


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Contact Me

Are you or someone you know interested in buying or selling?  Let’s talk!

Email me at grace@sellingourtown.com

Or call/text me at (404) 825-0422

You know where to find me!

Our Town Realty, Inc.

Located in the Chase Street Warehouse

160 Tracy Street, Ste B1, Athens, GA 30601

© 2021 Grace Williamson, REALTOR®

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